Mobile web browsing is becoming highly prevalent and it is not just a passing fad in the Internet industry.
The development of software applications emerged post the creation of the first digital computers. The early applications that were built could only be used on standalone desktop machines.
By the end of next year, market demand for mobile app development services is expected to grow at least five times faster than internal IT organizations’ capacity to supply them, as stated by Gartner, Inc. But where is this demand coming from?
You may be an Apple user, or you may be an Android user – unknowingly or knowingly, that makes you a part of the whopping 98% market share these two capture. That being said, you need your app to cater to both of these individually strong and technologically different platforms.
Did you know that the average app loses 77 percent of its users within three days of installing?
Today, mobile apps are being globally used for every activity. People want to order food? They have multiple options – from restaurant specific apps to delivery service apps like Zomato or Swiggy. They want to make a quick bank transfer while traveling? All the banks now have a mobile version.
The fancy looking device present in everybody’s palms today has become the basis of all sorts of communication. Yes, we are talking about the mobile phone. From PokemonGo to a shopping online, everything is now available on these “smartphones.” A study conducted by Gallop shows that most U.S Smartphone owners check their phones once on an hourly basis. Still not convinced that your business might need an app of its own? We wouldn’t consider that to be a “smart decision.”
2016 is a full-fledged ‘mobile’ year. According to Forrester report 50% of consumers are consuming content bytes on mobile web. This requires app marketers to provide an optimum mobile experience for its users.
Gartner predicts that a whopping 70% of the workforce will be using tablets and smartphones by 2017, which indicates that many of us have already become digital couch potatoes. The world is a Mobile Web. And with lessening attention spans for consuming more content – especially on mobile – where we only want the best stuff to absorb, you know, as an app development and/or marketing company, to be extremely good at it.
Great outsourcing is more than a fast Internet connection, Dropbox and Skype. It is the result of a great partnership between two teams.
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