BluEnt’s Agile Application Development Practices
Learn how our developers leverage agile to build better software!
New York – 4th July, 2017: Agile application development is an interactive and structured approach for product development and product management. Originating from software developers, agile development is now used across all verticals of a company. With agile, your projects will have the ability to respond to changes without hampering performance and developmental costs.
BluEnt’s software development team follows agile and its related practices such as scrum closely to deliver quality products to its clients on time. Just like every agile team, we also follow industry best practices to get the most out of our team.
Read on to find out how we practice agile app development
Collaboration with the Customer
Our team always keeps the customer in loop. With everyone on the same page, it becomes easier to maintain constant communication and deliver app functionality requested by our valued client. -
Identifying priorities based on client needs
Once the client is wired in, we identify the primary business needs of the client. The entire >projectis disseminated into several smaller modules that are then worked as per specification. -
Iterative time-boxed development
Like we mentioned, our agile development focuses on bringing out the best of team’s potential. We divide the work based on team’s availability which is then pushed further from previous iterations as the product develops. Moreover, the duration of sprints is time-bound within specific timeframes. Likewise, we keep the SCRUM meetings short and to-the-point. -
Effective meetings that work
Instead of long, end-of-the-day, tiring meetings that end up inconclusive, BluEnt‘s agile developershave short morning meetings which are fruitful, take up less time and basically act as process reviews of the day before. The meetings almost always conclude with goal setting for the upcoming hours. One step at a time, we believe in. -
Continuous Integration in Agile App Development
Perhaps the most important aspect of our agile practice, Continuous integration helps us keep the code up-to-date. Every line of new code is verified before it connects with old code. Regular unit tests are performed for checking consistency and errors. Periodic regression tests are also executed that validate that the new functionality is solid. -
Automated testing Process to make the code acceptable
Every regression test is automated to ensure that the new code change is acceptable by the old code set. In case of errors, our engineers make a quick note of the functionality which is not working as intended. -
Coupled Programming
Yes, we are talking about a couple. And no, they are not romantically related. When following an agile methodology, our developers usually program in pairs. There is a primary and a secondary programmer with rotational responsibilities. We even conduct the code reviews in pairs. In our experience, logically applied pair programming has yielded far superior results than developers working separately. -
Development that is tried and tested
Every single one of our agile development projects begin with unit tests that are followed with programming adaptive tests. Once our sessions pass the tests only then we write code specific to user story. Our daily SCRUM meetings ensure that this approach is updated daily. -
Product Demo Demonstration Meeting
Once the first prototype is ready, we arrange for a short meeting where the functionality is explained to the client and his feedback is noted. Our developers then take notes and create the required changes in the app accordingly. -
Final shipping and Periodic Code Release
We ensure that the code is packaged properly and is in the right working condition. Once the clientapproves the code, we then mutually decide on the calendar of releases with new app functionality.
BluEnt, in its very productive app development career has worked with numerous clients such as Alsbridge, Citrix, HBO, iPeerGrid and others. Our developers create robust, business centric solutions with agile development methodology that address the specific needs of your industry. Get in touch today to know more about our services.
About Us:
Formed in 2003, BluEnt specializes in proving custom websites, mobile apps, e-commerce, and internet marketing services for companies running an online dependent business or looking to develop tools to efficiently automate and monitor active processes in their organization. With 11 growing offices situated around the world, BluEnt is respected globally for its consistent quality of services and timely delivery of projects. We use our experience across industries and software applications to help enterprises derive maximum value out of their resources and investments.
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Ava Smith
Strategic Sourcing & Business Development Manager
BluEnt | +1 647 478 5230